Renato Eduardo Caceres
It is with great sadness we say goodbye to our father, Renato Caceres, who passed away surrounded by loved ones on June 24, 2024 at the age of 72.
He will be remembered and missed for his desire to make those around him laugh, and being a man who was devoted to his family. He fought his illness the best he could until the end.
He is survived by his beloved children; Chantelle and Jonathan, his grandchildren; Grace and Antonio, as well has his sisters (Ana Maria, Patricia, Jaquline) and brother (Reynaldo), relatives and good friends.
His mother and older brother welcomed their "Yayo" into heaven.
A Celebration of Renato's Life will be held on July 4th, 2024 at 10:00am at Trinity Funeral Home, 10530-116 Street Edmonton, AB.
Those wishing to view the service via Livestream, may do so by accessing the following link: LiveStreamRenatoCaceres
Sincere condolences to Renato’s children Chantelle and Johnathan, and to the entire family. Sad news, but as the obituary says we will remember the Renato who made us laugh and entertained us at our many gatherings. Rest in peace friend.
So very sorry for your loss of your father and grandfather. I have fun memories of his jokes and antics and wonderful smile. He was always welcoming and happy to share. He will be missed by many of his friends.
Dear Chantelle and Johnathan, as young children your dad would bring you to visit Jaime and I lived across the alley. Chantelle, you and I would play “double-double this that” and Johnathan, we would kick around a soccer ball. Your dad would watch you both with huge pride and deep love. I am so sorry to hear of Renato’s passing. He was the kind of guy you fell in love with when you met him and loved more as you got to know him. I will always hold him close in my heart and my memories. As you navigate this difficult time, hold tightly the treasured memories you have. My heartfelt condolences go out to you and to all who knew and loved Renato.
Querido tío, te recordaré con música, baile, alegría. Quien me enseñó mi primera canción de The Beatles y muchas cosas más.
Ahora queda celebrar el tiempo compartido. Te voy a extrañar.
Ya no estarás físicamente pero sé que estarás desde un lugar sutil de una energía luminosa cuidando a toda tu familia. Te quiero hasta el cielo y más. I love you for ever.❤💫😔❤
I love Tio Yayo’s great personality and I will miss him! God bless and I’ll keep you in my prayers!
Abrazo para toda la familia! Siempre lo recuerdo con alegría y cariño! Agradezco haber hablado hace poco con él cuando saludo por el cumpleaños a su hermano Reynaldo (yo soy su hija que vive en Mar del plata) abrazo grande para todos!!!
Chantalle , Johnathan and the entire family, your loved one (Renato Caceres)your father will be deeply missed but never forgotten, Please accept our heartfelt condolences, amigo mio ya nadie podra darme lo que tu te llevas ,tu Amistad fue uno de los grandes lujos de mi vida ,buen viaje amigo
Mi cuñado amigo y compañero de caminatas por El Muelle Vergara
Avenida Peru y Casino de Viña del mar
Te voy a echar de menos
Nuestro mas sentido pesame para toda la familia. Monica y Eugenio Caceres, Juan Enrique Vasquez, desde Chile
Querido lindo e inolvidable Yayito . Estarás por siempre en nuestros corazones . Abrazo del alma infinito y eterno
Nuestras mas sentidas condolencias a la familia CACERES ante la partida de nuestro querido amigo RENATO.
Los acompañamos desde la distancia.
Un abrazo fraternos.
Yayito!❤️fue una persona excepcional, cuya bondad, sabiduría y alegría de vivir dejaron una huella imborrable en todos los que tuvimos la fortuna de conocerlo. Siempre recordaré con cariño , su risa contagiosa y la manera en que iluminaba cualquier lugar con su presencia. 🍃🕊️ Un abrazo al cielo