Donna Butler
April 25,1954 - January 13, 2017
Donna slipped away into the arms of her Lord and Saviour at the age of 62 on January 13, 2017, after a short but hard fought battle with cancer. Donna’s 39-year nursing career began in Pediatrics in The Pas, MB, and then changed to Long Term Care in both Winnipeg and Edmonton, with a happy retirement in June 2015.
Donna enjoyed her strong involvement with the Salvation Army Church as Youth Group Leader and Corps Secretary/Treasurer. Donna will be greatly missed by her twin sister Donita, brother David, and sister-in-law Sue. Her loss will also be greatly felt by nieces Laura [Adam], Katharine [Dave], Erin [Mike], and nephew Ian, as well as great nieces Elizabeth, Jayda and Madison, and great nephews Vaughn and Quade. Donna had many close friends and extended family who will feel her loss.
Donna was predeceased by her parents, Marguerite and Bob Butler.
Donna and Donita would like to extend their heartfelt thanks for the support and care received from Dr. Keith McNicol, Dr. Sheryl Koski, and the staff at Stony Plain Westview Hospital and Hospice.
Celebration of Life
Saturday January 21, 11:00am
The Salvation Army Castledowns Church
12404 140 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Salvation Army Church, Castledowns, 12404 - 140 Avenue, Edmonton AB T5X 5Z1 https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/the-salvation-army-casteldowns-church-edmonton/, or The Cross Cancer Institute, 11560 University Avenue NW, Edmonton AB T6G 1Z2 https://albertacancer.ca/donate/in-memory
Many great memories when Donna was at booth college. She was a mother to all the new students and freely opened her apartment. Will miss her but know I will see her again. She is no longer in pain and with Jesus. Praying for the family.
Love Helen mackenzie
Dear Donna and Dave and families, please except our condolences, our time with Donna was short, but we always felt welcomed and loved by her.She always made our time with her special.
Love from Ed , Mary Ann and our families.
She was one of the most beautiful people I ever met in my life! She will be greatly missed. I only met her a year ago but I felt a wonderful connection with her. Just a lovely lady full of smiles and love. So proud to be able to have known her as a friend! Enjoy heaven my friend.
I am so sad to hear of Donna’s passing. I shared two great years with Donna at the Bible College in Winnipeg from 1988-1990. She always had a smile and a kind word. Be assured that she will be missed. RIP Donna.
Donna was one of the sweetest and wisest souls to ever grace this planet. She and I spent many an hour after work having coffee and solving the world’s problems from a booth at Perkins in Winnipeg – often until the sun came up! Donna was lovely, honest, funny, and most of all genuine. My condolences to you and yours, Donita. Heaven is all the richer for having her there.
So sorry to hear of Donnas passing. SHe was a great person and a terrific nurse. We shared many hectic shits but we always seemed to find joy as well as have lots of fun while working. Her commitment to our Lord was always evident and she inspired all of us who worked with her. RIP Donna.
I met Donna as a young college student in Winnipeg. We were in the same year. She was so kind, caring and encouraging. It is so sad to know she has left us. But we know she is with our Heavenly Father and free of pain. My condolences to all of her family and those who knew her.
Dear Donita, yes I do feel sad, and offer condolences and prayers for you, David and family in your grief and loss. Our fond memories go way back to our Flin Flon days and what a joy Donna was in our lives. ( you too ?) peace and comfort during these immediate days and for your journey without your special sister. Love and prayers
Donita and Dave and family,
Words just don’t seem enough when the loss is a loved and treasured sister and friend. I’m so glad we got to have that great visit when you two girls came to the store to see me. Best work day of my career. I remember, we talked so much I ended up closing later than normal. So much to catch up on. Heaven really has gained another angel, albeit too soon for those still here, but she will be watching over all of you that she loves so much. Deepest sympathies to all of you and Donita, that bond is so strong for twins, I don’t have words to say how sad I am for you now. I know that your mom and dad were waiting with welcoming arms for their girl, and I’m sure Auntie Pearl and Uncle Ernie were there to give her a big hug as well. Hug all your beautiful memories real close and take them out when it seems like you just can’t take it…eventually they will bring a smile without intense pain. The ache of loss will never leave, but it will get easier to handle. Lots and lots of love to all of you and just know if there’s something we can do we will certainly do. Wish we could be there for you but know that we are thinking of all of you.
Oh my so sorry to heard this news. Our beautiful friend. Sad that she is gone but happy that she has gone Home. Thanks Donna for all the wonderful memories that we will treasure. She was one of the best baby sitters that we ever had. We always knew that our boys were safe and well looked after when Donna was with them. Lorne was so sick after we moved to Moose Jaw and Donna came from Flin Flon for a while to sit with him at the hospital so that we could do our regular “Red Shield stuff.” Our love to you Donita. As you and the other members of your family sorrow at this time may your memories help heal your broken hearts. RIP Donna ‘ till we meet in the Morning, God’s beautiful Morning’.
We were so sorry to hear of Donna’s health problems. She was someone with a big heart and laugh. Donita we only met you once in The Pas and found the two of you to be so much alike. We are so glad that the two of you were able to be closer together geographically. Please accept our thoughts and prayers for you and your family.
Donita, our thoughts and prayers are with you as you grieve the loss of Donna but I know you will also be encouraged with the knowledge she has been ‘promoted to glory’ and you will see her again.
Donita, I am so very sorry to hear of your sister’s passing. You will be feeling like half of you is missing, I am sure. I knew Donna during her time here in Winnipeg and was the recipient of her loving, caring and accepting nature during a difficult time in my life. I remember her excitement and anticipation as she prepared to join you in Edmonton. She was a very special lady and I am grateful to God for the privilege of knowing her. Please accept our condolences. We rejoice that we can take comfort in the certainty that she is with our Lord Jesus. Blessings, Dean and Peggy Whitbread
Alec and I offer our sympathies to you all. We knew Donna well at the The Salvation Army in Winnipeg. She will be missed.
We echo all the kind words and thoughts of those who have offered condolences. Truly they are extended in heartfelt gratitude of Donna’s life. Donna lived her life for Christand touched many lives. Donna will be missed you all who knew her.
“We do not grieve as those who have no hope”. But yet we must grieve- I was so sad to hear from Grace that Donna had passed away. But so thankful that we know we have the reassurance that she is with the Lord. I chuckle when I remember our lunch together in Calgary; Donna & I shared our nursing experiences while you & Grace just listened. I believe we apologized for taking over the conversation. My condolences to you & your family. I will continue to pray for your peace & comfort in the days ahead.
Dear Donna’s Family,
I was another that was fortunate to meet Donna while we were all at Booth College in Winnipeg. There were so many of us that were newly separated from our families and Donna was such a warm caring person who so much eased that homesickness pain. Wise and fun and full of grace and common sense. Wishing you peace and comfort.
I will always remember you, for your support and everything you did for me as well as everybody. Thank you very much
My condolence going to Donnita and your brother and family
God keep your soul in peace .From MJ.
It was a great honour to know and learn from someone so genuine. You will be greatly missed Donna and my deepest condolences to your family.
I would like to offer my sincere condolences on the loss of your beautiful and kind sister. Donna was truly a great friend and co-worker, we worked together for years in The Pas on the pediatric unit. Donna was a source of strength and inspiration. She definitely was a patient advocate and a caring soul. Difficult days were always brighter after sharing a laugh and a chat with Donna. I will miss you my friend. RIP ❤️
I’m so sad to hear the passing of Dear Donna, I will always treasure the time which I have spend with her. My condolences to her family, she will be greatly missed.
Pleurons avec ceux qui pleurent et pensons aussi à ceux qui s’en vont c’est très touchant ce témoignage et RIP à son âme…
Dear Donita, David and families:
My deepest condolences for your loss. I remember Donna well from our Flin Flon days and I have not seen her since. So interesting to hear about her nursing career. How wonderful it is that we have the hope of the resurrection. My Bill was promoted to glory 4 years ago and I am sure he is greeting Donna now with a hearty “Donna, long time no see!!” God Bless and comfort you all.
Dear Donita,
So sad to hear of your sisters passing. Condolances to you and your family!
My deepest condolences to the family I did have the pleasure of working with Donna on the pedatratic unit in The Pas she was a beautiful person i with a heart of gold pay she RIP now as she enters heaven above and to be taken care of by the good lord above
On behalf of the soldiers, friends and adherents at Winnipeg Heritage Park Temple, I offer condolences to all the family of Donna Butler. We entrust her into the caring hands of the God she served in so many ways, both in and outside the church,
Owen Budden (Major/Pastor) Heritage Park temple
To the Butler Family. We are so sorry for the loss of your Auntie Donna.
We know she was an important part of your family, and how much she will be missed.
You are all very much in our thoughts.
Rest in peace Donna Your care and concern for people was always evident and you will be missed. You were a great role model as a nurse when I worked with you on Paediatrics . Thank you for being you. My sincere condolences to the family, may your hearts be lifted with the knowledge that she was respected and loved by many.
Sincerest condolences to the Donita and the Butler family. I only knew Donna for a short time, but she was a wonderful person, who made me feel welcomed in my new community. She will be sorely missed by those who knew and loved her. May your hearts be filled with love and blessings knowing that she is with the Lord and looking down and watching over all of you.
Dear Donita, Dave, Sue and family. Our deepest sympathy to all of you on Donna’s passing. Donna was a kind person with a good heart and strong faith. May memories of your happy times together help you through your grief. Love from Margaret, Wayne, Olivia & Hilary Turgeon.
Dear Donita, Dave, Sue and family
My deepest condolences on the loss of Donna, your sister and my cousin. Donna, we all know was a great humanitarian, a kind heart and the voice of reason. She will be missed by all whose life she touched. There are no words that can adequately express this great loss.
My thoughts are with you all.
Mary Anne & Andy
Venta Care Centre
To the Butler Family
Donna was a truly amazing person who always put other people and residents ahead of her own needs. She was missed by residents and staff when she retired from Venta and it is even harder to realize that she is gone. She made an impression in all of our lives. On behalf of residents and staff at Venta Care Centre and the Birzgalis Family we wish to give our deepest condolences on the loss of Donna.
Deepest sympathy
Donita, David and family.
My heart breaks for you as you say an earthly farewell to your beloved Donna. But I know her courage and faith will carry you until you meet again. Last time we talked she had the quiet assurance that she was going to meet her Lord, sad to say goodbye but excited about going home. Our family are keeping you in their thoughts and prayers. Love and God Bless you.
Jean and Bryce Rowsell and family.
Donita, David & family,
Its been a long time. Donita, I was reflecting on our stay at Castledowns and the number of people who had a Flin Flon connection. I have prayed since I learned of Donna’s illness, but this week and today have been praying that truly the comfort of the God of all comfort would be your experience today. Safe in the arms of Jesus..her reality,,our hope. I am so sorry for your loss.
Donita and family, we are so sorry for loss. May God bless and strengthen you in these difficult days.
So sorry for your loss Donita. Donna will be missed greatly!! Everyone loved Donna and she gave a lot of people some great memories! Love and Prayers to you and your family!! Love Bryce, Fran, Danielle, Nykolle and Samantha
So sorry to just hear about Donnas passing. Donna will be greatly missed, she had such a beautiful sole. I had been tring to call to talk with her but it seemed each time I tried no one was around, today I found out the person who gave me your phone number made a mistake and I had the wrong one. Just a one number switched with another. I never even thought for a minute that the number could be wrong. I so wanted to talk to Donna, and let her know what a good friend she had been, and the many times she gave me relationship advice. Donita, please take care of yourself, let each day unfold as it must. I will be praying for you.