Marilee (Lee) Burnell
Burnell, Marilee (Lee), aged 70, retired long term employee of London Drugs, passed away peacefully in Edmonton after a lengthy illness December 20, 2018.
Lee was fiercely independent, despite a brain injury sustained from an MVA in 2002. She kept everyone around her on their toes with her quick wit and sharp sense of humour.
In lieu of a memorial post, her favourite poem, Funeral Blues, by W H Auden.
Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.
Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead,
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.
He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong.
The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood;
For nothing now can ever come to any good.
Thank you to the incredible staff at Riverbend Retirement Community, especially to Jacquie, Joanie, Cam, Eunice and Anne Marie. Lee is survived by Paul, Dayna, Casey, Amber, Mike, Betty, Bob, Bill, Pati, and Cathi.
I’m so sorry for your loss. Love to you all.
My condolence toLee’s family. May you find peace that the suffering has ended for your loved one
Sorry for your loss. Aunt Lee is now at peace with her sisters and parents who left this Earth before her.
She will be missed by many.
Susan Palmer (neice)
My deepest condolences on Lee’s passing Dayna and family. May she rest well, I will always remember what light she gave this world.
My condolences and love to Lee’s family and friends.
I hope she now has the peace that eluded her in life.
Our sympathy to you and Casey.
My memories of Lee are mostly from being high school friends with Dayna. Lee easily scolded me when I phoned too late, while in the same breath asked how my day was. When I stayed the night she would cut us off early (so we weren’t too loud) but stuck around uninvited and reenact first person accounts of what her cats did that day…we would end up ridiculously laughing for another hour. I found her so authentic and damn right real that even her firecracker personality didn’t scare me away.
Unfortunately, the last time I visited Lee was years ago. Even though I hadn’t been around for 20yrs, she invited me into her house and shared quick wit banter and as I remember, still had some stories about her cats which she humanized with funny character voices.
Life sometimes deals a hand that may not seem very lucky, but Lee had horseshoes with all of those that stayed in her corner. She depended on you and you chose to hold her up. We all know she probably didn’t have any words to thank you, but hopefully you can depend on this thought: she truely did love you.
Lee is good now.
Dayna, I hope that you can move forward and live a beautiful life. Every time I see a wolf sweater, I can honestly say I will ugly laugh and think about Lee.
Our condolences Dayna and Paul, I believe a special place is reserved for Lee. She was a big part of my life for many years and kept in contact with cards and calls. We are sorry for your loss.
Colleen and Steve Lancaster
I worked with Lee and she truly was a dedicated and loyal employee. She was also a good friend that knew when you were not feeling well and would be genuinely concerned, then make you laugh somehow. I have not seen her for years but I remember her dearly and have thought of her fondly on a regular basis. I will continue to think of her in this manner as she will always be a part of many cheerful and fond memories.
She would often talk of her two favorite people, Danya and Paul, at length and always out of love for each of them. With deepest respects, for a very honorable woman, my condolences go out to you both.
Our condolences to you all. Lee was an amazing lady said things the way they were. Heaven is gained another angel
I recall all of the giggles and fun I had working with Lee at her many positions at many stores. Her direct humor and sharp wit was so refreshing. To her family, my condolences and prayers. Lee will be remembered as someone true to her beliefs and morals but accepted others readily. Rest in Peace, Lee.
Oh my.. Lee was such a force and her kindness was so very amazing. Go to the light girl and do your magic in Heaven.
My most sincere condolences to you Dayna, Casey, Paul and family. Lee will always be remembered for her quick wit, humour and independent will. Rest in peace Lee – you are missed.