Marvin Kenneth Epp
Ken was born in 1939 and grew up in Swift Current, Saskatchewan on a farm with his parents Cornelius and Mary Epp as well as his siblings Jack and Marion. He was the first person in his family to attain a university degree. In 1961, Ken married Betty Klassen and they had 3 children, Beverley, Brent and Brian. Ken and Betty began their married life in Duchess, Alberta where he had his first teaching position.
In the summer he would drive transport truck and bring home jugs of root beer to share with the kids. Ken was a gifted teacher and loved nothing more than being in front of a group of students. He taught in the math and computer departments at NAIT for 27 years. He rode his bike to work long before it was the cool thing to do! The family spent many happy summers at Camp Evergreen where Ken had many roles including Camp Director and working on the board. Many fond family memories were also made while travelling and camping with the trailer. In 1975, the family moved to an acreage in Ardrossan and Ken was an active member of the Sherwood Park Alliance Church and was the first Chairman of the Board for the Strathcona Christian Academy. After much thought and encouragement from friends, Ken decided to run for political office as a Member of Parliament with the Reform Party. This was a very busy time for him and Betty. He would arrive home from Ottawa late on Friday night, work in the constituency office on Saturday, teach Sunday School on Sunday morning and then fly back to Ottawa that afternoon. He served the constituents of Elk Island for 5 successful terms until he retired in 2008.
Ken taught Sunday School faithfully his entire adult life and never tired of sharing his faith with others. Since childhood he was also a talented pianist who could play any song by ear which served him well when leading worship or entertaining. Ken was kind, gentle, fair, intelligent, and a man of integrity who lived his faith authentically every day. He had a great sense of humour and many friends. Ken and Betty were a great team and enjoyed entertaining friends old and new at the house. Dad provided us with a loving, fun and stable home and we are thankful.
Ken was predeceased by his parents and sister. Without a doubt his biggest loss was his wife Betty in 2019, right before COVID. He missed her every day. He will be remembered forever by his children: Beverley (Dallas, Kayla), Brent and Susie (Noah and Victoria, Hannah, Micah) and Brian and Lisa. He also leaves his brother Jack and Laura Epp, Betty’s sisters and many nieces and nephews. Well done, My Good and Faithful Servant.
A memorial service will be held at Sherwood Park Alliance Church (1011 Cloverbar Road) on Saturday, March 5 at 11 AM. Livestream will be available at www.spac.ca/specialevents
In lieu of flowers, we encourage donations to be made to The Wilberforce Project or to your church.
`My condolences to the family. Loosing a loved one is always very hard and I will be thinking of you, his family. I have not kept in touch with Ken since I moved away froom Swift Current in 1962 but I followed him on facebook Aunt Vilora Wittman
Beverly, Brent andBrian….your Dad was a very special person. But then you already know that.
His musical talent was very evident whenever he had opportunity to sit down at the piano. It was great just to listen to those notes come alive.
He graciously provided the music at our wedding 60 years ago.
Through the years it was always a treat to visit with your parents.
Our condolences to each of you with love ❤️ Richard and Dorothy Weetman
The losses of Ken and previously Betty have left huge holes in our lives. We were so blessed to have them as dear friends. Hugs and love from the Schaufele family to all of the Epp family. 💕💕
So sorry to hear the news of Ken passing away and praying for his family
Dennis and Verna Wingenbach
Vancouver BC
So sorry to hear the news of Ken passing away and praying for his family
Dennis and Verna Wingenbach
Vancouver BC
Our condolences to all of Ken’s family, he was a man of integrity and a real blessing to each person who he was a friend to. He was a GODly example and we will miss him. May GOD comfort all your family at this time, as he is now with his beloved Betty, who is also very missed. Ted and Grace Arnason
Thoughts prayers and hugs to you Bev, from Murray,Miranda and I. We never had the opportunity to know your dad. But I wish we had. Sounds like we missed out. ❤️❤️
Ken and I were colleagues in the House of Commons with Reform,Canadian Alliance and the new Conservative Party under Stephen Harper. He was an honourable man who stood up for the causes in which he believed. We were in the ProLife Caucsus together and fought for the preborn.He attended the Wednesday morning prayer breakfasts where Christian MPs of all parties met.It was an honour and a privelige to serve with and to know Ken. He is now reunited with his wife Betty in the presence of his Saviour.
Dear Beverly, Brent, and Brian and your families,
I offer my warmest thoughts and prayers to you now in honour of your beloved dad, Ken, who is with his God in Heaven.
As you reflect over time with your dad, the joys, the smiles, the achievements, the tears will surely be a precious melange of memories always.
His lasting gift to you.
In retrospect of his and my long past, in sympathy today,
Walter Berg
Loved our many visits from the time he was elected until recently . His humour and analytics were especially entertaining and enlightening. I appreciated his unique way of simplifying complexity and laughing when it was needed. He was a unique gift to his constituents, family and friends. I always left encouraged whenever we connected. Gone too soon but I know he is happy and reconnected.
I’m am sure that many felt the same way when hearing that Ken graduated to his eternal home – numb and a bit hollow. Both Ken and Betty were a large part of our lives since meeting them and fellowshipping with them when Carol and I moved to Edmonton in 1974. It appears so long ago but in reality it isn’t. Spending so many times together in church, at their home, listening to his teaching, piano playing and endless knowledge of mathematical trivia. Supporting him during his time as our MP was special. May the Peace of Jesus be with all his children and grandchildren.
Gaylene & I are so sorry to hear of the passing of Ken, although we just got to know him when our daughter married his grandson Noah it seemed like we knew him all our lives, he just had a very friendly way about him.
He will be missed.
My husband and I would see them at Swiss Chalet after church. We had many good visits. He will be truly missed,as we have missed Betty. To the family our prayer is that the Lord would wrap His loving arms around you and bring you peace and comfort.
Sometimes when you meet someone you just know they are different…special and you get a keen sense that knowing them will be important in your life. This was my experience meeting your dad. The time I spent with him were few in comparison to many, but it only took a moment to realize he had a big heart, was a man of integrity and faith, and he loved to love.
He leaves a legacy of courage and conviction that inspires me. He will be missed.
To Beverley, Brent and Brian and your families. My warmest condolences to you and your families. It was back in his University days that Ken met Erwen and became great friends. It was during these years that the swamp water and KFC became a “ thing”. Erwen and I married in 1959 and Ken was Best man. We stayed connected throughout our lives. Erwen passed 4 months after Betty did. I so appreciated Ken coming to visit us at the care home a week before Erwen died. Ken was a great friend, He was often the “third wheel” on our dates. To know Ken was to love him! I cherish the memories we had with both Betty and Ken. Kindest regards – LilyAnn Siemens.
It is with sadness we received this news, Ken will be missed as a member of our small community with his never ending smile and easy laugh as we stood at the mailbox many times over 15 years.
Beverly, Brent and Brian. Just got home from the service in remembrance to your dad. A remarkable tribute to an honorable man. It was a privilege to know your mom and dad and consider them as friends.
We were guests of your Mom and Dad several times over the years…always at the Swiss Chalet. Your Mom and I and Vern and your Dad enjoyed each other’s company. God has them in His keeping, you have them in your hearts. Pauline Phibbs
I was blessed to know Ken (& Betty) as an associate pastor at Sherwood Park Alliance from 1998 to 2008. Ken was a godly and energetic man who was deeply committed to following Jesus.
Several years after my departure from SPAC, in 2017 God led my wife Mary and I into mission work with international students in Regina, SK. Ken and Betty supported us financially and in prayer for several years. We are very grateful for that, and we have some special memories of visits and correspondence with them!
May our God of “all comfort” indeed comfort Ken’s surviving family members in these days, and may you be blessed & encouraged with the legacy of faith that Ken left us.
Mr. Epp was a real influence on me as my Sunday School teacher. I have my copy of C.S.Lewis’s Mere Christianity that he gave me at Christmas 1981. He gave one to each of his students. I was in grade 10. I also remember going to the computer lab at NAIT and learning there that “Mr. Epp is an incontestable genius.” His Sunday School class was always a mind and soul-expanding experience. He was an inspiring teacher and an inspiring Christian.