Evelyn Isabell Kerr
Heaven received another Angel with the passing of Evelyn Isabell Kerr, January 16, 1927 – March 14, 2017.
Evelyn will be greatly missed by her family and friends especially by her Grandchildren & Great Grandchildren. She was a very positive and joyous part of our lives, she always saw the bright side of life even when the challenges seem too great to overcome she would smile and say what is meant to be will be there is nothing we can do to change it. Her motto was to do the best you can with what you have and the rest will take care of itself, be thankful for what you have, we are very thankful for the time we had with this very strong and loving lady. She will live forever in our hearts.
Loving Mother of son’s Sidney George Kerr( Madoc, Ont)(Wendy), William(Wally) Wallace Kerr(Peterbourgh,Ont), Daughter Roxy Lynne (Kerr) Hammond(Mike), (Edmonton,AB ), Sister, Joyce(Warnock) Cain, Predeceased by Parents Linna(Steinhoff) & George Warnock, Brothers, William(Bill) Warnock,(June),Laverne Warnock, Sister Ruth (Warnock)Turner. Evelyn will be especially missed by her Grandchildren, Great grandchildren, Great-Great Grandchild. Several Nieces and Nephews. Special Friends Donna Stewart, (Lindsay, Ont.), Inge Hammond, (Prince George BC).
My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Aunt Eve was a very special lady!!
My apologies for missing the part on Moms Obituary -Its has been very difficult for our family to loose such a very special lady who was a part of our daily lives. If you would like to be part of Mom’s celebration of life in the summer please contact me for details. rhammondd@shaw.ca
Evelyn will be cremated at Trinity Funeral Home, Edmonton Alberta. A Celebration of Life will be held in Prince George, BC in the 2017 for her family & close friends. In lieu of flowers the family requests that donations be made to the Foyer Lacombe Hospice Center 1 Vital Ave, St Albert, Alberta T8N 1K1 or the Cancer Foundation.